Transitioning between DSM and German Schools or German Schools Abroad

Families moving to or from a German school can benefit from a streamlined process that ensures continuity in their child’s education. Whether transitioning from DSM to a German school or vice versa, families can expect a smooth and seamless experience with the following key advantages:

Guaranteed Placement:

Although German schools generally have the autonomy to select their students, legal provisions ensure that students from accredited international schools like DSM are given priority. By law, German schools must accept students transferring from DSM, allowing your child to be admitted without additional assessments or entrance exams.

Curriculum Recognition
DSM, as an accredited German school abroad, follows the same curriculum as schools in Germany. This means your child’s academic achievements are fully recognised and integrated seamlessly into the German education system.

Clear Transition Process:
The process of transitioning between DSM and a German school or any German International School abroad is straightforward. Our teachers coordinate directly with the receiving school in Germany to make the transition as smooth as possible, ensuring that all necessary information is shared and any potential issues are addressed.

Official Documentation:
In Germany, a school report is an official and legally recognised document. Although Australian reports can serve as references, they are not officially recognised in Germany. The School Report from DSM guarantees that your child’s academic accomplishments are formally acknowledged in Germany and by any German International School overseas.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our Admissions Manager, at